Meditation: an overview


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Down through the ages, the wisdom-teachings of the great Masters have reminded us of our fundamentally spiritual nature, the nobility and beauty of the soul, the paths and practices that help us to find happiness.

Each of us, in the many stories of our lives, shares the same longing for happiness and personal fulfillment. We explore so many pathways and possibilities in life to find satisfaction – in people, places, careers, outer situations – yet the happiness that we seek seems often so brief and elusive.

The great spiritual teachers all remind us that the secrets of happiness and successful living are in fact already inside us, deep inside the human consciousness, and that meditation is a powerful key to unlock these secrets. In meditation we turn our gaze within to the quiet places of the heart and soul – it’s practice takes us to a peaceful inner world and can transform every part of our outer lives in a wonderful and positive way.

Meditate silently.
You will be able to create
A totally new life
For yourself.

Sri Chinmoy

Meditation is not a philosophy or religion or dogma but simply a way of being, of reconnecting to a deeper part of our selves. It invites us to set aside a little time each day to cultivate our practice, quieten the chatter of the mind, bring to the fore the peace, insight, self-knowledge and happiness inherent in our deeper nature. Anyone can meditate because we are all essentially spiritual beings.

Our classes

These meditation courses invite you on a journey, cover a wide canvas of meditation practices; the main branches and paths of yoga; a look at reincarnation; the finding of a spiritual path; how to bring the benefits of meditation into daily life; and a look at the wisdom-teachings of several Masters.

View our upcoming class schedule

Each of our courses form a structured program and you’re encouraged to attend each of the evenings – admission is free, but registration is required to accommodate numbers attending. Course instructors are from the Sri Chinmoy Centre, with decades of teaching experience and a genuine love of sharing their own insights with others. The w/shops are informal, informative and helpful and a lot of material and exercises are drawn from the teachings of the late spiritual master Sri Chinmoy.

Our class structure

lets meditateIntroduction to meditation – beginners series

In our fast-paced modern lives, meditation is now recognized as a powerful life skill, bringing a renewed sense of clarity, purpose, simplicity and calm. Meditation reconnects us with our inner strength, unburdens the mind, and takes us to an inner space of stillness and calm.

Our introductory courses provide an overview of the most popular and effective techniques, and enable you to experience these for yourself, to get a feeling for those you most prefer. Like pathways up a mountain, they all lead to the same destination, but our individual natures will help us to choose one path over another.

Our ‘Learn Meditation’ course options usually consist of 3 or 4 classes per series, each normally one and half hours long. They focus on sharing practical exercises – giving you the experience of meditation rather than just theory. They form a progressive, structured course so it’s recommended that you attend all of the evenings to gain the maximum benefit.

Each class will introduce you to simple and effective exercises to still the mind, including breathing techniques, mantras, creative visualisations, concentration and meditation techniques, plus a look at the different paths of yoga. Topics for discussion include using meditation for self-awareness, overcoming stress and other life problems, achieving inner potential and spiritual awakening.

Weekend workshops

Single workshops offer more concentrated one or two-day courses with guest speakers covering a wide range of topics including ‘Introduction to Meditation’, ‘Secrets of Happiness’, ‘Music and Meditation’, ‘7 Secrets of Meditation’, ‘Finding your Path’, Death and Reincarnation’ etc. Workshop teachers are often overseas-based guest presenters and long-time students of Sri Chinmoy whom we invite each year during our annual ‘Meditation Week’.

Ongoing meditation courses

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These are suitable for those who have completed the beginner’s series and are now meditating regularly. Ongoing evenings offer a more advanced series, a stage two program involving longer meditations and an introduction to the concept of a spiritual path.

Material for this more advanced program is based upon Sri Chinmoy’s teachings about the path of the heart, a balanced way of life based on the harmonious development of the entire being – physical, emotional, mental, intuitive and spiritual, leading to the blossoming of inner potentials.

These continuation evenings help to deepen your meditation, introduce positive lifestyle recommendations, share tips on making spirituality a skill to bring into your daily life and offer the opportunity to meet others who share your own growing interest in the spiritual lifestyle.

A weekly newsletter shares upcoming events – concerts, Waitakere ranges outings for nature-lovers, weekends away, intensives and retreats.

Interested? Get in touch!

To register or to find out more, simply leave your details below, or text your name, course option and numbers attending to our contact phone Don 021 150 0857.

More About Meditation

Talk about Meditation

Learn Meditation

  • Our current series of free meditation classes ‘Let’s meditate’ runs all year round in various locations around New Zealand. More details here.
  • For further details, or to attend our next free meditation classes in Hamilton, kindly use our Contact Form, or call Don 021 150 0857.

Meditation in Other Cities

  • The Sri Chinmoy Centre offers free meditation courses in many cities throughout New Zealand and Australia. Learn more.